About Us

We’re all about The Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition!

Our Mission

The mission of MPCDC is to support and foster the work of the Coalition to strengthen the economic health of Native communities in the Mountain Plains region of Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota.

Our Focus

Our Focus

Unlike traditionally managed professional service providers, the Mountain Plains Community Development Corporation (MPCDC) was created to focus on building capacity and expanding resources designed and targeted for The Mountain|Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to make meaningful contributions in the organizations that we serve, and our core values guide our behavior and practices.

The Three-strand Braid:

  • Amplify strength, which builds individual organizational capacity and deepens capacity to meet community’s needs.

  • Unify action, which fortifies the regional capacity of the Coalition & network throughout the ecosystem.

  • Sustain generations, which drives long-term systems change.

Let’s Get to Work!

We want to help you understand who we are and why we are passionate about what we do. And how our mission-driven approach can positively impact The Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition and help achieve our shared goals. Let’s get to work!